Welcome to FemDash

a no B.S. approach to women's health

Feminine Health Matters.

For too long women have been overlooked, especially in the health sector.

Even more so for women in marginalized groups such as Type 1 Diabetics like myself. Frustrated by the tooling for women and type 1 diabetes often being mutually exclusive, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I often found myself staring at the Apple Health app desperately trying to reason through the data, attempting to find some answer to put an end to my roller coaster of hormones I was experiencing on cyclic basis. As a software engineer, I know the important of data and the value of using good tech to visualize it. After all if it can be used to analyze random corporate business data, surely it can help me reason through my body's signals. As a woman I know the impact my cycle has on my lifestyle, whether it be mentally, physically, or emotionally. As a diabetic, I know that prevention triumphs reaction. So this tool, encapsulates these experiences into a data-visualizer tool tailored with these needs in mind with the eventual goal of providing proactive recommendations for activity, nutrition, and insulin needs so that we women can truly unlock our potential and be and feel our best selves while doing so.

Analyze your data

Export your Apple Health data and take the first step towards prioritizng your health- the feminine way


Dive into FemDash's cutting-edge tech stack that puts the privacy of our users first


Read about the ground-breaking medical research that inspired the inception of FemDash